NGO Organisations

ID 23
Organisation Name Maritime Archaeological Society of Finland
Organisation Status UNESCO Accredited
Nominating Org NULL
Main Contact Vesa Saarinen
Website URL
Geographic Coverage Finland
Education Expertise Research
Other Expertise citizen science
Organisation Profile The Maritime Archaeological Society of Finland MAS was founded in 1995 with the purpose of promoting the research, protection, education and hobby activities of underwater cultural heritage. The society is a member of society of the Board of Scientific Societies (TSV). The purpose of the society is to promote and support the scientific research and hobby activities of maritime archeology and to improve citizens' awareness of our underwater cultural heritage. To fulfill its purpose, the club: - conducts and develops maritime archaeological research and exhibition activities - organizes maritime archaeological education, information, publication and hobby activities - cooperates with universities and other scientific communities, industry enthusiasts and authorities in the field - makes industry-related initiatives, statements or opinions - promote the protection of underwater cultural heritage and improving its accessibility for citizens
Record Created 2023-08-22 16:55:37
Record Creator Vesa Saarinen