NGO Projects

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7 Nautical Archaeology Society UNESCO Accredited NULL Peta Knott International Academic,Outreach,school children and student placements,Policy,Professional,Public Advocacy,Fieldwork capabilities,Outreach,Research,Training/capacity building,Volunteer co-ordination Our mission is to research, record and protect our threatened underwater and coastal heritage for the benefit of everyone. We strive to involve everyone in our mission to Protect, Record and Research all forms of nautical heritage whilst maintaining the highest ethical standards. 2021-06-04 14:54:41 Peta Knott

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11 7 Discover Maritime Archaeology eLearning course The Discover Maritime Archaeology eLearning course is the entry level to the Nautical Archaeology Society's Education Programme. No prior knowledge or training is required to complete this course. This online course allows people to learn the basic theory of maritime archaeology at their own pace. It demonstrates to participants that maritime archaeology is not just about shipwrecks, and it is certainly not all underwater. The six modules in this course cover the following topics: introduction to maritime archaeology, site types, artefact investigation, legislation and recording and monitoring sites. The legislation module outlines the mechanisms that are in place to protect our heritage that is underwater, on the foreshore and on land. Participants will learn how this applies to visiting or investigating historic sites. There is a particular emphasis on promoting the UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage. This theory course and accompanying practical Recorder Skills Day is the first of the two components of the NAS Foundation qualification, which will allow graduates to participate in NAS fieldwork in the UK and overseas. 50.7888 -1.0319 2021-12-14 12:04:16 Peta Knott 254 0
10 7 Protected Wreck Days One of the major aims of the Nautical Archaeology Society (NAS) is to provide divers access to Protected Wrecks and by doing so, fostering a sense of custodianship of underwater cultural heritage. Several times each year, the NAS runs Protected Wreck Days allowing qualified divers to have an extraordinary experience visiting and learning about the UK's protected wrecks. Not only do the divers get to visit sites that require a licence to visit, they also receive a thorough dive briefing and archaeological site briefing before each dive so that they will know what to look out for and will have an understanding of the underwater site and it's place in history. We offer two Protected Wreck Day experiences. Based out of Eastbourne, Sussex, we take divers to the Norman's Bay Wreck (c.1690) and the Holland No.5 submarine (sank 1912). The Portsmouth based experience in Hampshire goes to the protected wrecks of HMS Invincible (sank 1758) and the A1 Submarine (sank 1911). These are definitely experiences for people who are interested in 'Diving for a Purpose'. 50.7214 -1.0884 2021-12-14 11:38:45 Peta Knott 254 0
14 7 HMS Natal The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has multiple historic shipwrecks in UK waters and little is known about the condition of many of these wreck sites. Consequently, the Nautical Archaeology Society (NAS) carried out a programme of non-intrusive condition assessments using the HMS Natal in the Cromarty Firth, Scotland as a pilot project. The condition assessments for all future wrecks will follow the same format, using a pro-forma to ensure that there will be consistency in assessment and ongoing monitoring to determine the condition of the wrecks over time. The assessment will highlight such aspects as the collapse or otherwise of the structure, obvious examples of environmental pollution, anchor and fishing net damage and any salvage or collection of artefacts that has previously occurred. 57.6959 -4.0891 2023-08-24 14:29:44 Peta Knott 254 0
15 7 Identifying Explosive and Environmental Hazards on Wrecks Learn how to safely dive on military wrecks and help to identify environmental and explosive hazards on wrecks. This course is a pre-requisite for NAS MOD diving projects. 50.7888 -1.0319 2023-08-24 14:38:24 Peta Knott 254 0
16 7 International Training Partner Scheme We support organisations from around the world in teaching best practices in underwater cultural heritage through our International Training Partner Programme. These organisations have a licence to teach a local version of our accredited training programme which has a core module on UCH legislation including information about the 2001 Convention. There are currently 25 organisations in this programme and 7 of them are from countries that have ratified the 2001 Convention. 50.7888 -1.0319 2023-08-24 14:51:10 Peta Knott 254 0