NGO Projects

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14 Institute of Nautical Archaeology UNESCO Accredited NULL Robyn Woodward International Research Archaeological excavation,Artifact conservation The Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA) is a non-profit, international research organization founded in 1972 by Dr. George F. Bass (1932-2021), who pioneered the science of archaeological excavation under water. INA archaeologists are responsible for the excavation of sites that include the Late Bronze Age shipwreck at Uluburun, Turkey, the Phoenician shipwreck at Bajo de la Campana, Spain, the Byzantine shipwreck at Yassıada, Turkey, the side-wheel steamboat Heroine in Oklahoma’s Red River, and the Civil War blockade runner Denbigh in Texas, to name a few. The broad scope of what we do involves remote sensing, underwater excavation, digital recording, decompression diving, artifact conservation, scientific analysis, and lots and lots of research. INA is affiliated with the graduate Nautical Archaeology Program (NAP) at Texas A&M University; many INA research associates are NAP graduates. INA also operates a research center and artifact conservation facility in Bodrum, Turkey. 2021-07-15 10:49:44 ina

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9 14 Shipwrecks in North America and the Caribbean Since the 1970s, the Institute of Nautical Archaeology has sponsored and/or directed many underwater excavations in North America and the Caribbean, including those at: Port Royal (Jamaica), Molasses Reef (Turks and Caicos), Rockley Bay (Tobago), Monte Cristi (Dominican Republic), Red River (Oklahoma), and Lake Champlain (Vermont). Since 1976, the INA headquarters have been located on the campus of Texas A&M University. Many INA officers are also faculty in the graduate Nautical Archaeology Program at Texas A&M. 30.6188 96.3365 2021-07-19 14:36:33 ina 255 0
8 14 Ancient and Early Modern Shipwrecks in the Mediterranean The Institute of Nautical Archaeology has been actively excavating shipwrecks in the Mediterranean for more than four decades. Notable shipwrecks include those at: Cape Gelidonya, Uluburun, Pabuç Burnu, Tektaş Burnu, Yassıada, Kizilburun, and Serçe Limani. Many of these shipwrecks are displayed in the Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archaeology. INA archaeologists operate from INA's Bodrum Research Center (BRC), which houses offices, artifact and wood conservation laboratories, a dormitory, and a 10,000 volume research library. 37.0344 27.4305 2021-07-19 17:51:35 ina 247 0